Sunday, 8 November 2015

Magnificent Angkor wat - part 1

I can't imagine how the first exploler felt when they discoveret Angkor wat and all other temples, but it must have been crazy feeling! We tried to feel the same but since Angkor wat with more than 1000 temples alltogether is a major tourist atraction in Cambodia, quite a bit of its chars is wanished because of mass tourism.

First day after a night bus to Siem reap we met Astric, nice Swedish traveler and we sucessfuly found a    Basecamp - golden papaya near the city center. Siem reap seemed much differend as our previous destination - everything here is for and because of tourism with tuk-tuk drivers and restaurant owners much more agresive in geting their share of dolars from backpackers and package tourists from China and Europe. 
In the afternoon we got a tuktuk to the floating village 35km out of the city. If you like paying a lot for a boat ride around the lake with people living on the boats do it:) It is amazing to see that they still live and do everything on the boats but appart from that there is nothing more to it. It really semed that they only want money from tourists with not many things to give in return!
School on floating village

Where are we going to park today?

On our way we stopped in a small village where we could see all the poverty and economic undevelopement of Cambodia. A lot of kids, houses made of cardboard, a bit of wood and roof out of banana leaves. But despite all that they seemed quite happy, especially the kids. They were playing with everything they had, driving too big bikes and running around with half naked. At that age they really do not need much to be happy! Sadly they already aquired the habit to beg for money or sweets, which they get from tourists. You do feel sorry for them, but knowing that giving them some money will not make situation any better, but rather worse we decided we will not give any money to beggars or children selling things, as they are encouraged to skip school for doing that.

They want to play, but they also want dollars.

This friend showed me their catfish farm

Too bad that almost noone can speak english as it would be very interesting to talk to them and hear their opinions on such delicate topics. 

Anyhow we had to go back to town for a diner and making plans for next day. We decided we will explore Angkor wat area for three days - 2 days with our tuk tuk driver and last day on bikes. As Astrid and her friend joined us we negotiated the price of 45$ for 2 days ride with tuk tuk. Quite fair price I think and Mouin looked happy to earn some of much needed money for his family.

Mouin - our driver

Where we stayed:
Cheap (9$ double room) and reasonably clean guesthouse. Restaurant is not the best and is a bit more expensive than what you can get in the center.

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